Mia joined our team in March 2020, making the move from Perth to start a new journey in a new state, all without knowing too many people. This independence and bravery has transitioned with her into her work life. Mia joined us when we were under-resourced and understaffed and without her, we have no idea how we would have survived. She is an incredibly hard worker while bringing a hilarity and fun nature that is infectious in the studio. Her balance of working hard and having fun makes her a joy to know and work with.
What is your favourite movie?
About Time; anyone who knows me will have experienced me aggressively trying to convince them to watch it
Your idea of a perfect Friday night?
Trackies, a glass of red wine and whatever take-out meal I’ve probably been dreaming about since Monday morning.
Number one vacation spot?
Italy in the summer is my favourite place in the world, but as I enter my second Melbourne winter, I’m beginning to feel like anywhere warmer than here is a pretty appealing vacation spot.
What was your embarrassing first email address?

What did you study?
I studied Journalism and Web Communications at Curtin University in Perth
What was your first impression of the girls at Linden Cook?
Georgie actually first called me for a chat while I was at a boat party (not a great first impression from me) but after a few back and forth phone calls I flew over from Perth to have an “interview”, which was essentially Georgie showing me the studio and saying “so this is it if you want it” and us going for a coffee. By the end of the coffee she was offering me rooms to rent in her family and friends houses (without asking them of course), and I moved over 3 weeks later.
What was the hardest part of moving over from Perth?
I moved here right at the start of COVID and we went into lockdown for 4 months basically a week after I moved over. I wasn’t able to go back to Perth or see my family for over 6 months which was really hard but I was SO lucky to have the LC girls take me in and pretty much become a family for me over here.

What is your favourite Linden Cook piece?
I honestly would take one of everything but my favourite at the moment is our new Impression Signet ring. I’m currently having one made of my parents' impressions as a little present to myself!
Best/worst part of your daily routine?
The best part of my day is finding out what everyone is having for lunch, but the worst part is the jealousy I feel when it gets to lunchtime and I smell everyone else’s meals.