What did you study at Uni?
I studied Professional Communications at RMIT University which is made up of Media, Journalism, PR and Advertising. I majored in PR and minored in Popular Culture Studies and spent a semester on exchange studying Fashion Marketing in NYC, which was definitely the highlight of my degree.
What was your embarrassing first email address?
curlywurly@hotmail.com - yes, huge regrets.

Any travel plans for this year?
I'm hoping to get across to Europe for a few weeks in the middle of the year. I was living in The Netherlands when Covid hit so I left really abruptly. I had a couple of things booked that have been postponed over the last couple of years and are finally able to go ahead. I also still have a bank account over there that needs closing.. whoops, but any excuse for a European summer holiday hey!
Your idea of a perfect Friday night?
Good food and good company. I love going out with a group of friends and grazing on lots of different shared dishes with an aperol in hand and just seeing where we end up. The nights that aren't too planned always end up being the most fun.

What is your favourite Linden Cook piece?
It's so hard to pick just one piece, but I have been eyeing off the gold Flare Ring since we launched Collection 7.0. It might be time to make the plunge soon.
What was your first impression of the team at Linden Cook?
I remember thinking wow, this isn't your average workplace and I'm going to have a lot of fun being a part of it. I was stepping into a studio of talented, loud, confident women where no topic is off limits and the work-to-fun ratio has been perfected.