Jodie & Mark | Mini Impression Necklace

Jodie & Mark | Mini Impression Necklace

We were so touched when Jodie reached out to us after receiving her Impression necklace of her brother and we wanted to learn a little more about the story behind the precious piece we had made for her. Read on below for more on Jodie and Mark's special bond. 

Who's fingerprints are on your Impression piece?
My brother, Mark

Why is it so special to you?
My husband Kim and children Samantha and Scott thought of this gift for my 54th Birthday in July. My brother Mark was terminal with cancer, he passed away 12 months after diagnosis and a week after I received my necklace on the 23rd September 2021. He put it on my neck where it will stay forever, he told me when I need him to touch my pendant and he’s with me always.

What was your favourite thing about your brother?
We were inseparable for 52 years. He was the most caring, loving man with the most beautiful smile. I miss him dearly but a piece of him is now always with me.


Stories like Jodie's make us feel so grateful to do what we do. Our Impression pendants can be a tangible piece of someone who has passed, and this can provide such comfort during grief. 

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