Cass & Jack | Mini Impression Necklace

Cass & Jack | Mini Impression Necklace

When Cass’s son Jack was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of cancer in his eye at just one year of age, it became really important for Cass to have a little piece of Jack with her at all times. As we approach The Good Friday Children’s Appeal we wanted to highlight Cass’s story, the struggles experienced by families with sick children all over Australia and how a little kindness from strangers can go a long way.

Can you give us a little background on who your print is of?

My fingerprint necklace is of my nearly 3 year old son Jack. The impression for the print was taken the week after Jack had been diagnosed with a very rare form of childhood cancer called Retinoblastoma in October 2019. It was a couple of weeks until my 30th birthday and I had already thought to ask my husband for the piece for my birthday present. Once we were in the situation we were in it meant even more to have such a precious keepsake. Whenever Jack was in theatre or I was apart from him I would reach to touch the pendant hanging on my neck. It gave me great comfort. 

How did you come across the impression collection?

On Instagram via your page

How did you find the impression process?

At the time of the impression we were travelling back and forth between home in rural NSW and Melbourne for Jacks appointments at the hospital. I tried to arrange an appointment in the studio to do the impression and during the emails I mentioned the situation we were in as I felt I was being so difficult with appointment times. Once Georgie knew of this, she told me to call her and she turned up at Ronald McDonald House the next day and took Jack’s impression for me. It was such a fun simple process and the outcome is beautiful. I will never forget Georgie's kindness and just how normal and easy she made that all feel, like it happened everyday and was no big deal for her to arrange. I can’t really articulate how at the time it made me feel. Thank you Georgie.

A few weeks later the necklace arrived in the mail. I instantly fell in love with it. A precious piece of Jack I’ll have forever.

Talk us through what’s happened since making your Impression piece.

Since making the impression, my son has been through an enormous amount for someone of his age. After multiple life threatening complications it was decided that the cancer affected eye would be removed. He now has a prosthetic eye and is cancer free. This month we celebrated a year since his surgery to make him cancer free! He will continue to have screening over the coming years. 

Jack is a joyful, energetic, healthy and loving little boy.  We are so grateful for the position we are now in.

We were also offered so much support and kindness from an array of charities during the past 18 months including Country Hope, Starlight foundation, Koala Kids, Redkite and individuals in the community. It’s amazing how a small gesture of kindness may be the best and greatest thing that has happened to a person going through a challenging time. It also leaves long standing memories and a reminder to always pay kindness forward.

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